
Edited Book:
Matsaganis, M., Gallagher, V.J., and Drucker, S. (Eds.).Communicative Cities in the 21st Century: Urban Communication Reader III. Routledge: forthcoming 2013.

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:

Miller, Carolyn, Devitt, Amy, and Gallagher, Victoria (2018). “Genre: Engine of Invention.” 50th Anniversary Special Issue of Rhetoric Society Quarterly: 50th Anniversary Issue. 48:3, 1-9.

Young, K. R., Joines, J. A., Standish, T. and Gallagher, V. J., “Student Evaluations of Teaching: The Impact of Faculty Procedures on Response Rates,” Research in Higher Education, in May 2018.

Standish, Trey, Joines, Jeffrey A., Young, Karen and Gallagher, Victoria J. (2017) “Improving SET Response Rates: A Method for Administering Online Student Evaluations of Teaching to Increase Response Rates and Lengthen Open-Ended Question Responses,” Research in Higher Education. January 2018, 1-12.

Martin, K. N., and Gallagher, V. J. (2013). “You Make It Amazing: The Rhetoric of Art and Urban Regeneration in the Case of The Public,” Journal of Visual Literacy.


Gallagher, V. J., Martin, K. N., & Ma, M. (2011). Visual Wellbeing: Intersections of Rhetorical Theory and Design. Design Issues, 27 (2), 25-39.

Gallagher, V. J. & Martin, K. N. (2010). Visual Rhetoric: A Reader in Communication and American Culture by L. C. Olson, C. A. Finnegan, and D. S. Hope (Book Review). Southern Communication Journal, 75 (5), 547-551.

Zagacki, K. S., & Gallagher, V. J. (2009). Rhetoric and materiality in the Museum Park at the North Carolina Museum of Art, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 95(2), 171-191.

Gallagher, V. J., & Zagacki, K. (2007). Visibility and rhetoric: Epiphanies and transformations in the Life Photographs of the Selma Marches of 1965. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 37(2), 113-135.

Gallagher, V. J., & Zagacki, K. (2005). Visibility and rhetoric: The Power of visual images in Norman Rockwell’s depictions of  Civil Rights. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 91, 175-200.

Gallagher, V. J. (2001). Black power in Berkeley: Postmodern constructions in the rhetoric of Stokely Carmichael. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 144-157.

Haller, C. R., Gallagher, V. J., Weldon, T., & Felder, R. (2000). Cooperative learning in chemical engineering workgroups: Dynamics of peer teaching and learning. Journal of Engineering Education, 89(3) 285-293.

Gallagher, V. J. (1999). Reconciliation and amnesia in the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 2, 303-320.

Gallagher, V. J. (1997). University repositioning: A Review of four cases. The Journal of College Admission, 154, 12-17.

Gallagher, V. J. (1995). Remembering together: Rhetorical integration and the case of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial. The Southern Communication Journal, 60, 109-119.

Gallagher, V. J. (1992). Ethical considerations in college admission practices:  A Proposal for dialogic involvement. The Journal of College Admission, 137, 8-12.

Dionisopolous, George N., Gallagher, V. J., Goldzwig, S. R., & Zarefsky, D. (1992). Martin Luther King, the American dream and Vietnam:  A Collision of Rhetorical Trajectories. Western Journal of  Communication, 56, 91-107.

Zarefsky, D., & Gallagher, V.J. (1990). From “conflict” to “constitutional question”: Transformations in early American public discourse, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 76(3), 247-261.

Peer Reviewed Book Chapters:

Gallagher, Victoria J., Zagacki, K., and Swift, J. “From ‘Dead Wrong’ to Civil Rights History: The Durham ‘Royal Seven,’ Martin Luther King’s 1960 ‘Fill Up the Jails’ Speech, and the Rhetoric of Visibility,” in O’Rourke, S. and Pace, Lesli K. (Eds.) Like a Fire: The Rhetoric of the Civil Rights Sit­ Ins. University of South Carolina Press, 2018 in press).

Gallagher, V. J. and Kalin, J. (2016). Collected Debris of Public Memory: Commemorative Genres and the Mediation of the Past. In C. Miller and A. R. Kelly, (Eds.), Emerging Genres in New Media Environments. Palgrave MacMillan.

Gallagher, V.J., Zagacki, K., & Martin, K. N. (2013). Communicative Spaces and Rhetorical Enactments: How and Why Urban Parks Enhance (or Fail to Enhance) Public Life. In M.Matsaganis, V.J. Gallagher, & S. Drucker (Eds.), Communicative Cities in the 21st Century: Urban Communication Reader III. London: Peter Lang.

Gallagher, V. J., Zagacki, K. & Martin, K. N. (2012). Materiality and urban communication: The rhetoric of communicative spaces. In J. Packer & S. Wiley (Eds.) Communication Matters: Materialist Approaches to Media, Mobility, and Networks (pp. 107-20). Routledge.

Gallagher, V. J., & LaWare, M. (2010). Sparring with public memory: The rhetorical embodiment of race, power, and conflict in the Monument to Joe Louis. In G. Dickson, B. Ott, & C. Blair (Eds.), Places of Public Memory: The Rhetoric of Museums and Memorials(pp. 161-173).  Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.

LaWare, M., & Gallagher, V. (2007). The power of agency: Urban communication and the rhetoric of public art. In  G. Gumpert, & S. Drucker (Eds.), The Urban Communication Reader (pp. 161-179). New York, NY: Hampton Press.

Gallagher, V. J. (2006). Displaying race: Cultural projection and public memory.
In L. Prelli (Ed.), The Rhetorics of Display (pp. 177-196). Columbia: University of South Carolina Press.

Gallagher, V. J. (2004). Memory as social action: Cultural projection and generic form in Civil Rights Memorials. In S. R. Goldzwig & P. A. Sullivan (Eds.), Communities, Creations, and Contradictions: New Approaches to Rhetoric for the Twenty-first Century(pp.149-171). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Miller, C., Gallagher, V. J., & Carter, M. (2003). Integrated Approaches to teaching rhetoric: Unifying a divided houseIn J. Petraglia & D. Bahri (Eds.), The Realms of Rhetoric: The Prospects for Rhetoric Education (pp. 209-228). Albany: State University of New York Press.

Haller, C., Gallagher, V. J., Weldon, T., & Felder, R. (1999). Dynamics of peer interactions in cooperative learning. In the Proceedings of the June, 1999 American Society of Engineering Educators Conference. Washington, DC: American Society for Engineering Education.

Gallagher, V. J. (1990). The role of the TA in the interactive classroom. In Preparing the Professoriate of Tomorrow to Teach:  Selected Readings in TA Training. Dubuque, IA:  Kendall-Hunt Publishing Co.